League Info

Game On Your Schedule:
Play, Compete, and Win!

Join one of our monthly gaming leagues and test your skills against your local community here at Cantrip.
Current Season: September 2024

Each month, we host constructed leagues where your matches happen wherever and whenever it’s convenient for you. Simply meet up with other players, play some games, and use a simple form to report the results. Match results will be counted towards your standings in the league, and prizes are distributed at the end of the month. We will have several meetups scheduled during each season of the league, but attendance is not required. If you can't make it to a meetup, you can simply contact other players and meet for games with them another time.

How to Join?

If you’d like to play in one of this season’s Leagues, all you need to do is pay the entry fee associated with the league. You can pay either in-store or online. By the following evening, you’ll be entered into the roster and you can immediately start challenging other players to matches. Good Luck and Have Fun!


All entry fees collected for the season will make up the prize pool and will be distributed two days after the last day of the month as store credit at Cantrip Cards & Games. Each player’s share of the prize pool is listed on the League Dashboard spreadsheet, and is determined primarily by their number of wins, and to a lesser extent their personal match and game winrate.

Canadian Highlander League

Canadian Highlander (“Canlander”) is a 100-card singleton format that rewards creative deckbuilding and skillful play, and its cardpool extends back through time to the earliest days of Magic, so you get to play with a lot of extraordinarily powerful spells.

Other Leagues will continue at the start of October.